Craig and Margaret Walter Family June 2010

Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Chubba Wubba

So mom hasn't written on her blog since, well you see the last post. I thought I would do her a favor and update for her.

Daxton was born on May 31, 2007. We celebrated his 1st birthday by going swimming at the house. He loved the water..... as long as you were holding him close. He would put his head on your shoulder and snuggle in close.

On June 1, we were able to make a cake and Daxton dug in to all that sugar. He thought it was tasty, but after about 5 minutes he decided it was time to get out of his high chair, so I gave him to Doug and told him to hose him off in the tub. It was a great day. He was spoiled with lots of clothes and toys from grandma.... just like every grandson should be.

The next weekend was spent at the cabin with Aunt Lollie and grandma. They braved the task of loading all the kids and taking them to the mountains. A blast they had for sure! It was back to the Arizona heat for all them on Sunday night.

The next few days and weeks are a bit of a blur for all of us. Daxton left us to fulfill his mission in Heaven on Monday morning. Most of you know the rest of the story. If not, just click on Doug and Brittany and you can get the rest of the scoop.

We are holding fast to the knowledge that we will see him again and that it won't be long. It doesn't take the pain away, but it softens the blow, even if but for a second. Our testimonies in the Plan of Salvation and eternal families has been strengthened. We know that he is sitting at the feet of our Savior, learning from him and then teaching the gospel in Heaven.

Thank you to all those who have made this tragic event in our lives a little bit easier by your thoughts and prayers and the services rendered to our family. Hug your little ones a little tighter and a little longer, love those around you a little more, and be mindful of others and know that we all have different trials that take special care and attention.