Craig and Margaret Walter Family June 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

From Dannys call to the MTC

Danny opening his call
Sweet..... Portugal
Adam and DanielElders King, Walter, and Hunt
Dad Danny and Mom
Dinner at Gecko
Marilla, Chelsea, Natalie, Logan
Carter and Falin
Kurtis Mandi and Falin
Lauralie and DerekAdam, Aunt Adriana with Layla and Uncle DougA Setting apartDaniel with two beautiful young ladies at arms length. :)Daniel with his second family the Molesworths Daniel and Grandma Daniel with Kolby and DavidDaniel Josh and TiaDaniel and Uncle NathanielUncle Danny with his number one IsabellaDaniel with Lollie Brittany Mikenna Savannah and IsabellaDaniel Lacey and Kaden

Maxson Derek Morris Sept 30, 2010

Incredible little guy.... Incredible Mommy and Daddy. Congratulations to Lauralie and Derek. Your Life will never be yours again. :)

Im Pretty cute..

Mommy and Maxson

First Family Picture

Monday, March 15, 2010

Grandmas 3 Princesses

"THIS" My friend, is what life is all about......


Isabella LOVES Grandma

Isabella Loves to hang out with Grandma, and Grandma Loves to hang out with Isabella.

Elder Daniel Edwin Walter Lisbon Portugal 6/16/2010

WOO HOO!!!!!! Danny got his mission call and MOM and DAD are so proud and excited for him. We had friends and family over for "the big opening". Thanks to all who have supported Danny to get him where he is today. He is an amazing young man and will serve the people of Portugal faithfully. We are So blessed. and WE WILL MISS HIM SO.

Carter Craig Walter

We have a new Stinkin Cute GrandBaby Boy in our Family. Logan and Natalie had Baby Carter Craig, Tuesday January 26. Natalie is AMAZING. Check out their blog.. She is awesome and keeps us up to date with Carter.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lauralie and Derek are MARRIED

One of the most BEAUTIFUL Days for an August Wedding. The weather the day BEFORE the high was 114 degrees, the day OF the high was 92 degrees, and the day AFTER the high was 112 degrees. I guess that is what happens when you have 2 exceptional people getting married. Congratulations to Lauralie and Derek. Welcome Derek to the Walter Family. Sure glad we didn't scare you off. Thank you Aunt Drana and Uncle Doug for your INCREDIBLE HOSPITALITY and letting us use their backyard. Every thing was PERFECT. And thank you everyone for your help. We absolutely could not have done it without your help. YOU GUYS ROCK.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Flamingo Savannah at the Zoo

Flamingo Savannah
Grandma, Savannah and Isabella went to the Zoo with Savannah's school Class. We had so much fun and we got to see the fish and the giraffes and the camels.

Adam and Chelsea got MARRIED

February 28, 2009
Adam and Chelsea's wedding was Beautiful. Chelsea made a beautiful bride. Welcome to our family Chelsea.

Welcome to our Family Isabella Kate

Isabella Kate Kunz joined our family on January 23, 2009. Isn't she the most Beautiful Baby? Ok fine, one of the four most beautiful grandbabies in the WORLD, and I love being Grandma.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The "Two" Twins, Lilly and Layla Hancock

Introducing Lilly Ann and Layla Sandra Hancock.

(Adri said I could post pictures)

Doug holding Lilly, Adriana holding Layla on Thanksgiving 08. The girls are 6 weeks old.

Grandma and Adriana loving on the twins

Mom has been here in Mesa with Adriana for 7 weeks. She came while Adriana was in the hospital before she had the twins. Mom has been an absolute life saver. What are we going to do when she goes home tomorrow. Mom is an amazing lady.

Layla Sandra and Lilly Ann Hancock. Such beautiful little girls.

Mikenna holding "her" baby Layla.

Savannah holding "her" baby Lilly

Before the twins were born Mikenna and Savannah were having an argument and Mikenna piped up to Savannah. "Well MY baby is going to be born first." Hence the reason Layla is Mikennas favorite and Lilly is Savannahs.

Rogers Family Picture May 24, 2008

You know when the Photographer says "Cheese" there sure are alot of comedians. Here is our family picture minus 5 of us. We are going to try and "Crop" them in. Hopefully it will work. Anyway. It took A ton of effort on everyones part, but it turned out fantabulous. Thanks family for pacifying me. Now I realize the urgency. I just wish we were all there. I LOVE YOU ALL.

Monday, December 1, 2008


It's not that I don't want to post, its that when I sit down to post, it takes me SO LONG...

There are many things I am grateful for at this time of year. I look back on this most challenging year and wonder how we all got through it. But we did. Our testimonies are in tact. Our family is in tact. and we have a blue eyed angel boy in heaven watching over us keeping us on track.

Grandpa and Grandma and Grandkids August 1994

Can you imagine going through this life without the support of family and friends? I can't. As Thanksgiving rolled around and the memories of 1994 Thanksgiving flooded back so vividly, I know that Heavenly Father let Dad choose his time. I remember sitting in his office with him and he commenting that he didn't want to leave mom when it was just the two of them. Well. The house was full. Ben and Michele and Adriana were there. Dad chose his time. I have struggled for YEARS with the fact that I wasn't there. That he was tired and I didn't get to talk to him on Thanksgiving. But I have in fact felt his presence many times since. One time in particular I would like to share. It was at the kitchen table. Adriana and the kids and I were sitting around it talking, crying, laughing. It was once again November. A time when we still struggle with this loss. Anyway, alot was going on and we were sharing thoughts and memories together. It seems that Adri and I were both having a "moment". We were remembering the times that dad would give us individual fathers blessings when we needed them and we both wished he was around at that moment. Anyway, I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders and give a gentle squeeze. I turned around thinking that it was Craig or Adam or one of the kids. Nope. No one. I turned around and said something to Adri. She said no one was there. The kids were either sitting with us or elsewhere. I felt it again. and this time I realized what it was. The spirit was SO strong, and we all felt it at that moment. We all had an incredible experience at that moment and we will cherish it.

So GRATITUDE? I am grateful to a Heavenly Father. For he knows and loves each one of us. He gives us little glimpses into eternity like he did on that day. I know we have angels close by us, keeping us on the right path, protecting us at all times and comforting us when we don't think we can go on.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Sept 28, 2007

Remembering Grandpa Walter. It has been 1 year this week that Grandpa returned to our Heavenly Father and was reunited with Grandma. These two pictures were taken at Memorial Day 2008 when we were in St George. This was the first time Adam had been to Utah since Grandpas passing and wanted to come here and then get a picture at the "Walter" home. It was fun to be here and have a moment of melancholy thinking and remembering all the fun times with Grandpa and Grandma Walter. They were such fine examples to all who knew them. We sure do miss the hugs, the birthday cards and most especially the phone calls. We love you and miss you and we are so glad you and Grandpa Rogers were there to greet our Daxton. Take good care of him.

"TAGGED by Marilla"

Yes Rella, I did need an excuse to post. Thanks for the tag. I went to the 4th folder in "My pics" and went to the 4th picture in that folder and this is what I came up with. I LOVE THIS PICTURE. So about this picture. Craig and I were getting ready to leave for Bolivia the next day and I wanted to get pictures of the family to down load on my ipod so I could take them with me so Adam could see what we all looked like and he could show his friends what we were all about. We were just hanging out at home and the kids were over and I think Brittany had just made cookies to take with us for Adam and so Daxton was eating one. Of course one of the favorite things for any of the kids was to play with the car keys. Savannah loves to sneak them and push the red button and turn on the car alarm. Man, I love these guys, and I miss Daxton beyond anything I can imagine. Isn't he beautiful? and Don't these two look alike? So once again.... Thanks Rell.